Villhauer's Farm 11/2013

 Villhauer's Farm 11/2013

Friday, November 9, 2012

In Limbo

    There have been times for most of us when we felt like our life was in limbo.  This is not a current predicament for me, but has been quite apparent with our country.  To avoid any disambiguation, realize this Blog topic has nothing to do with the theological concept of the afterlife condition of limbo.  I am referring to being in transition, neither here nor there.  Or feeling immobile, uncertain, or hesitant.  I have had moments this week when I couldn't decide on something, and put it on hold or I was put in a holding pattern waiting on someone else. 

     Many of you faced long lines at the poles Tuesday and may have felt like the character in this cartoon.  Or you may have been in limbo, trying to decide who to cast your vote for.  There was definitely suspension, waiting to find out who won the presidential election.  With all that was said and done, regardless of who won, I think our country will be in a state of limbo for quite some time.  We can't decide on health care laws, gay rights, abortion or how to fix our economy, to name a few.  And we definitely can't seem to get along with each other.

     I was surprised Saturday morning by a thunderstorm, and up earlier than usual because of a distressed dog.  The horses got hay after their feed because I left them in their stalls until it stopped raining around 9 am.  Joe was in Los Vegas for some G & G (Golf and Gambling), and with Dan gone, the gloomy and empty house was kind of depressing.

     I set up my computer on the kitchen Island, turned on Christmas Carols and started working on cleaning tack.  My little feline helper arrived to see what was going on.  My saddle was way past due, so it felt good to get it cleaned up.  I also did the bridles and got Amiga's newly repaired reins reconditioned.


     I had shortened my walk because the damp, cold wind really got to me out there, but I played with the dog inside.  I did weekend chores, like watering house plants and laundry, and I AIMed with Britney while playing Words With Friends.  I spent extra time reading my Bible too.

     The sun came out just in time for it to cast its light on the neighbor's farm as it set.  In the evening, I couldn't decide (was in limbo) whether to move the clocks back before bed and try to stay up later, or to just gain the hour when I got up in the morning.  I did do chores 30 minutes later than usual, but bed was beckoning me by 9 pm. 

     It was a frosty Sunday morning, but so nice to have the dawn's early light for morning chores at 5:45.  I walked out in the front pasture to see how wilted the alfalfa was, deciding it was okay.  Stew wasn't really ready to get up, so resumed resting after I had moved him and Babe out from the corn crib.  I use their feed buckets to coax them out to the side pasture.
     I kept the horses in the paddock
until after I had gotten back from Church and grocery shopping.  I went back out at 1:30 to ride Roni and then Amiga.  Roni did better than usual but I had troubles with Amiga.  She kept trying to turn and head home.  This is the same trick Roni used to pull.  By the time I was done riding and cleaned stalls, it was almost feeding time.  Finishing with that at 5 pm... I was amazed that it was already dark out.  

     I was one, of 16, in the Water Lilies group Monday morning.  We are nothing like these teenage synchronized swimmers from the movie "Water Lilies."  For one thing, we never get our heads wet... although I usually swim a few laps to warm up.  There was a malfunction with the pool heater, so it was really cold getting in, but once moving, it wasn't too bad.

    I usually shower after class and then come home to let my hair dry while enjoying a second cup of tea.  As I was sitting here at my computer, in our office, looking out the window at the side pasture, I saw the cows chasing a big yellow cat that went running towards the barn.  By the time I got out there to investigate, it was nowhere to be seen.  Hum... should I set a live trap for this fellow?   I did spot this bird nest, out on a limb... which I hadn't noticed, until now that so many leaves are off the tree.

     I was out doing some yard work after lunch, when Dan came home.  He has been in limbo... staying here, at Valencia's in Auora and at his new rental house in Downs.  I quit what I was doing since he was ready to move his dresser and some other large items, and I helped him with that.

     Driving the Expedition, I followed Dan to his new apartment seen above. (He is calling it an apt. even though it is a house they are renting).

     His bedroom (left) is right off the kitchen (above).  The new bed he bought was delivered and set up for him last week.  I helped him unload the big items and then left so he could organize and settle in on his own.

     Britney has also been in Limbo about housing.  She has been trying to work things out with her room mate, but since their lease expires in a week, they have decided to go their separate ways.  So Britney has been searching for a one bedroom place she can afford.  She has finally found something and plans to move this weekend.

     Back home I fixed veggies and added to Dan's "care package" a few more items I noticed he could maybe use.  I dropped it off on my way to Growth Group.  We had a very small group tonight.  As we concluded the Walk study, I want to commit myself more to walking as a Christian, and not appear to be in limbo about my faith.  Proverbs 3:5+6... "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."

     Tuesday's Water Lilies chickened out because the water heater fuse tripped again and the pool was colder than Monday.  I came home and had a second cup of tea along with a piece of pumpkin pound cake.  Then I burned some of the calories by doing 2 1/2 hours of yard work.

     I picked up trash all along the road out front and then raked and picked up grass clippings.  I pushed the wheel-  barrow down the east side of our property (getting a picture of the farm) and took it to the trail in the back where I spread it as mulch. 

     This is the back pasture, which we have kept the cows and horses off of for a month now.  It will be their winter forage.  The willow is doing well.

     Rain was in the forecast, and I had planned to work until I got rained out, so I was glad to see it start sprinkling when it did.  I pushed the 2nd full wheelbarrow up the drive, back to the barn, and came in for a late lunch.

     I went into Downs to cast my vote at the fire station and then headed to Daniel's rental house two blocks away.  I took him some stuff from home and had him "fix" my lap top which was goofed up when I turned it on first thing in the morning.  I also got to see the new kitten he adopted.

     Dan's house mate (Dan Carlson), Mike's brother, had found the kitten in the wheel well of his jeep. He had climbed the tire and was hiding from the wind next to the suspension. When Dan walked up to his jeep after work, the kitten stood up and squealed, so Dan C. took him home.  They ended up at Courtney and Mike's where it took all four of them an hour to give the kitten a thorough bath, clip his nails, clean up his ears, pick out the fleas, and give him flea medicine.  Dan seemed undecided about adopting this little fellow, but I think the kitten had adopted the Dans and there was
no question but to keep him.  I could
tell that the kitten had won Dan's heart from the get go.  Dan had taken the kitten to the Vet Tuesday morning, who said the kitten is seven weeks old and in pretty good shape except for an infection he has, so he is on antibiotics for awhile.  He hadn't pooped since being found, so a stool sample was still needed for worm testing.  A name for him is also being carefully considered.  I brought him this little bed that Abbey refuses to use and it wasn't long before he was napping in it.  So cute.
                                                         It drizzled the remainder of the day,
so I entertained myself here at my computer, while also neatening up around the house.  I did chores in the mist and left the wet horses in the barn after their 5:00 feeding.  Brother had made himself a nice bed in the grass.  By 6:00, I was in my PJ's, eating dinner at my computer and AIMing with Britney.  I did run out to the barn to give the horses hay before bed.  

     Wednesday was not as predicted.  It remained gloomy, misty, cool and overcast the majority of the day.  I put the horses in the paddock, even though it was rather muddy.  We had a large group at Water Lilies and all were thankful for warm water once again.  I really enjoy this lively bunch of women and told them so. I have made a point to learn all their names.

     After a second breakfast, I put Zorro in the front pasture, left Amiga in the paddock and loaded Roni to take to my riding lesson.  He was a muddy mess to clean before saddling.  The lesson went well, and most of the time Roni did great, even when gaiting.  

     Coming home, (above) Zorro galloped along the fence by the drive toward us. He stopped to greet us, whinnying at Roni. (right)  Then he turned and followed the trailer as I pulled it up the drive toward the barn. (below)  This is his usual routine.

     I was not very productive the remainder of the day, I think because of the weather.  I did walk the dog, do more laundry, and the usual barn yard chores.  I left the horses out front until 7pm and then brought them in for feed and for the night.  I didn't last much past 8pm... getting old I guess.

     Thursday was my day off from the pool so I made sure to walk the dog.  The sun was not out as promised by the weather report, but I needed to get out and accomplish some things.  I was immediately distracted by a pitifully
meowing cat, and a growling Missy.  I locked
my two barn cats in the tack room and was eventually able to lure (using food) this feral cat out from between the bales of hay stored in the calf pen.  It was skin and bones and had an injured back leg it couldn't walk on very well.  There was some bleeding from it's bottom and it may be incontinent, or I just scared the piss out of it each time I handled it.  I wondered if this was the yellow cat I had seen Monday.

      I put the cat in the trap I had set, and gave it more food and water.  I  moved it to the garage shed for warmth and away from my barn cats.  It kind of reminds me of Kit Kat, so I called Brian and left a message to see if he was missing a cat. 

     Finally getting to work, I put walkway mats on top of the lime I had put down earlier.  First I added more lime, watered it down, and then put in the rubber mats.  The lime had not stay packed when the horses walked on it.  I hoped this would help. 
The bricks are
to help hold the
mat down since
it was curling
after being rolled
up in the package.

     I re-piled our lime pile and then the manure pile, which was steaming after being turned.  I had been waiting on the barn wood to dry out, which it finally did, so I caulked the board above a door where water had been leaking in.

     Dan dropped off Valencia and the kitten on his way to work.  Dark was fast approaching so I stayed out to do the evening chores. 


     Valencia and I had supper together and then chilled out in front of the TV with our computers and felines.  The kitten was more entertaining than anything on TV.  He is such a silly, playful, little guy.

     I actually caught him in mid air in the photo to the left.

     Here he is encountering Kaysha and trying to sneak by her.

In this series is he and Abbey working out their friendship.

     Joe got home from Las Vegas late.  After enjoying 6 days of G+G, I think he is definitely in limbo about retiring... now vs when he is 62 (in 18 months).  He also said his hip did not bother him while golfing and that maybe the dry desert air would be more preferable for us as we age. I had to share this cartoon since I have so many silly cat photos on this post.


     Friday came and went quickly, just like the rest of the week.  I exercised with the Water Lilies, walked the dog, worked in the yard and barn, and took care of the injured cat.  I have let him out of the cage but keep him shut in the garage shed.  I noticed not only is his back leg injured, but he can't move his tail.  It just drags behind him as he
                                                     hobbles around. 

     The ever optimistic weatherman was wrong again... the sun didn't really come out until almost noon.  I spent the afternoon catching, brushing, and riding Amiga and then Roni.  The sun was setting before 5pm, as I finished up with Roni.  After Subway for dinner, Joe and I headed to LeRoy for a Clint Eastwood movie, (Trouble With The Curve).  We enjoyed it.

     I couldn't help but end this Blog with this cat cartoon.  I guess I just had to touch on a different concept of the afterlife condition of limbo.  Ha ha ha.

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