Villhauer's Farm 11/2013

 Villhauer's Farm 11/2013

Friday, November 2, 2012

All In The Training

      "Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle

     This was a week I took Roni to Wellgreen Farm (Marj's place) for training for five consecutive days.  I wanted Josh to see where Roni was at, try to make some adjustments, figure out what techniques worked best with Roni and plan to incorporate that into my riding lesson instruction.

     I like Scott Daily's philosophy on training:  "The whole purpose in horse training is establishing a working relationship between the horse and the rider.  In order to accomplish this, the horse must become acquainted with the attributes and habits of being handled by a human being.  With adjustments, nurturing and well-tempered training, a relationship develops between the horse and the trainer.  This relationship is transferable to horse and rider.  Horse training is the most important thing you will ever do to come to truly enjoy your horse(s) and trust the horse to be your companion."

     Saturday morning seemed to come all too soon, so I rolled over to go back to sleep while listening to hear if Carol was up yet.  It wasn't long and I joined her for some pre-dawn caffeine and sweet treats left from Friday night's party.  The moon set in the west as the sun rose in the east.

     I did dishes and worked at party clean up, but otherwise it was a relaxing morning and lazy day.  I was a little congested and head-achy so taking it easy was in order.  The Baker boys came from Courtney's for lunch and then headed back to Indiana.  Tracy helped Joe and I with a couple of fix it up projects.  Carol got a nice photo of Stew.

     We watched the Iowa / Northwestern game, keeping an eye out for Herky the whole time.  Tracy and Teresa's son Nathan was the "Hawk" Mascot at this game... and we got to see him on National TV.  Dan and Valencia came from Courtney's, and we played a board game (Wits and Wages) in the afternoon. 

     Once everyone, but Carol, headed for their respective homes, she and I took the dogs for a walk.

     It was cool and breezy, but we were well bundled.

      The dogs had a good time together as Carol and I caught up on life on the farm and dog and horse training.

     After another meal of leftovers, Joe, Carol and I, went to the park in Downs to listen to the Biscuits And Gravy Band.  It was fun to clap along to the music and people watch (They were dressed in costumes and dancing).  We went home early because we were cold and tired.  We started the movie War Horse, but were even too tired to finish it.  The movie was a bit of a disappointment, but we were impressed with the training required to get the horses to do what they did in the film. 

     This is an interesting photo Carol took of the sun setting, as seen through the window, reflected in the mirror.  I like the shadows of nick nacks on my mantle.  Hum... do these count as clutter I am to get rid of?

     Carol went with me to watch (and photograph) Sunday morning chores.

     As usual, I started before the sun was up.  Brother greets me and then has his nose in everything. 

     The cows come out of the corn crib looking for their breakfast. 

     Stew about knocks me over trying to get his bottle.  Normally he gets it at night, but I skipped Saturday night.  This was almost his last bottle ever.

     After feeding the horses, I proceed to the chicken coop to fill their feeders.  They are just waking up.

     I went to Church to work in the nursery, but skipped the service to get back home to hang out with Carol.  We took another nice walk.  The increased winds and decreased temperatures have warranted hats, gloves and winter coats. 

     After Carol left, I was doing a little neatening up while planning to head to bed for a nap... and then Lisa called.  This was our last chance to ride at Moraine View before it was to close on Wednesday... so I jumped at the opportunity.  I had to get Joe to help me load Roni, who refused to get on the trailer... and rather than revert to the "tug-a-war" with the long rope around the mid pole of the trailer, I had Joe walk up behind Roni.  The goofy horse then walked right on the trailer.  I just don't get it!

    Darek and Lisa with horses saddle and ready to go.

      Darek does a nice job on Scout.  Lisa has trained him (Darek) well.

     Darek led and Lisa gave him some directions, or instructions, or she may have been showing me something.

     Roni and I were in front for awhile.   I had turned around when coming into a clearing and got this shot.  Unfortunately I cut off the horses, but I love the sun light behind them.

    Lisa moves Mark to the front.  The orange band is so he isn't confused for a deer.  I love her Australian riding coat.      

     As you can see, most of the leaves have fallen.  There are things (cars, campers, buildings, etc.) in the distance that are now visible from in the woods.

     We made a pit stop for Darek.  This is at the Boy Scout campground. 


     Notice that the canopy over head is pretty bare.  Do you also see the hunter?  

     More of the same cold and wind (from the weekend) were in store for the week so I bundled up for chores Monday morning.  At 9am I loaded Roni, who got right on the trailer this time, maybe because I had moved it to a different spot or possibly because Amiga was tied to it.

     I took Roni to Wellgreen Farm (Marj's) to start his week of training.  Josh worked with him while I sat in the warm office and watched and took some photos.

     Hunter and Gunner watched too.
Every training session was started with lunging.

          Josh worked on getting Roni
          to walk collected but relaxed.

     Gunner decided he needed
     a closer view.

     Josh would stop to reward Roni for doing well and to let him rest and think about it.

Then they would be off to work on something else.

     Once back home, I stuck to the office (Dan's old room) where I have now returned my computer.  Dan had packed everything up before the party, in preparation for his move to a rental house with Dan Carlson (Mike's brother).  The front porch has gotten too cold, so it is nice and cozy, clean and quiet in here.  I have also missed the view of the bird feeder.  Abbey swiped Kaysha's bed.  It was so windy, I didn't even walk the dog.  I did
                                                     get last weeks Blog posted, caught up
on Facebook, read and answered a few e-mails... and the day was pretty much shot.  We didn't have Growth Group so I watched the news with Joe.  The incoming Hurricane Sandy that was hitting the Northeast, was more exciting than War Horse, so we decided to finish the movie another night.  I gave Stew his very last bottle.

     Tuesday's loading for the morning training session looked like it was going to be a struggle.  The wind was fierce and I was in no mood to stand in it.  The trailer was noisier than usual with the wind rattling it.  But I walked up to and onto it as if Roni would get right on.  But, he stopped dead in his tracks.  I tied him to the side of the trailer, got out the longer "tug-of-war" rope, prepared to wrap it around the trailer bar if needed.  I walk Roni around and approached and step onto the trailer just as I had with the short lead rope, and this time he walk right on.  I totally do not get it.  I can not figure out what behavior I am doing to help or hinder his loading.

     I really like this photo, even though the focus is on the outdoors not on Roni.  Josh reported making good head-way with Roni.  He got Roni to relax more, stay collected, and not speed up as often.

     Cathleen, a new helper to clean stalls, can be seen in this photo.  I thought Roni was chewing on the bit the whole time, but Josh said that is a sign that Roni is relaxing.  He wasn't chomping at it or fighting it.
     Kaysha has re-claimed her bed.
I put all three horses on the front pasture and was amazed at how strong the wind velocity felt even at 26 mph.  I had absolutely NO desire to walk, ride, or work outside.  Dan and Valencia stopped in for lunch.  Dan went back to help Dan C. with moving and I watched TV with Valencia (and Abbey).

     Later in the day, both "kids" headed back to Courtney's.  I remained unmotivated, sitting here at my desk and computer, working on my Blog and cruising the internet.  Joe and I did finish the War Horse movie.

     Happy Halloween Wednesday.
Our internet went down in the middle of AIMing with Britney, and I attempted several things to try to resolve the issue. 

     Becks was up-and-at-em early, spreading lime.


     They had two trucks going, so it went quickly.  But boy did they raise the dust.

     After multiple attempts to get the internet up and running again, and re-connected to the world, I gave up.  It was about time for me to load Roni anyway, but then I got word that our training session needed to be moved.  So, I headed off to Farm & Fleet and Wal-Mart for our weekly supplies.

     Dan was in the process of moving
out today, so I had fun buying stuff he likes / could use at his new place.  It was like a little care package. I also bought two coats for our Imagine Ministry at Church.  Once home, I had a quick lunch, and then took Roni for training.  Josh had given me a hint on loading (don't look back at Roni when he stops, just keep looking and moving forward) and it went great the rest of the week.
                                                         Roni was doing so well indoor, that  
Josh decided to try him in the big outdoor arena (above).  Roni was a little more wound up, but did eventually relax and do quite well.

     Josh worked hard and worked Roni hard.  Look at the concentration on their faces.

     It was a quiet Halloween night... no trick-or-treaters come way out in the country.  Dan took Valencia home to Aurora after his evening class.  Joe and I watched Survivor.
     It was a pretty sunrise sky Thursday morning.  Our American Sycamore has many leaves yet to shed.


     The wind had calmed to a gentle breeze and the temperatures had warmed.  I tried a water exercise class at the Replex.  The group is called the "Water Lilies" and they meet 8 to 9, every morning, Monday - Friday.  I fit right in both socially and physically, and really enjoyed the group.  I plan to train myself to put on my swim suit and do this early morning workout three or four days a week.
     Next on my morning agenda was getting Roni to the trainer.  This time Josh (and the dogs) finished up the session out front.  I took a ton of photos.  Here are some of my favorite ones.

     I did get outside to do some work around the barn yard.  And my walk was in the moonlight after dark. 

     I joined the Water Lilies again this morning, feeling kind of sore from yesterday.  There were 12 of us today.

     Then I got to ride Roni during his training session so Josh could show me some of the things he has been doing that are working with Roni.  I was thrilled to be on a calmer horse with the aids to relax him if necessary.

     I was back at Marj's in the afternoon to meet with her and Ashton who had brought us our photos from June.


     I returned home by way of LeRoy, stopping at the Saddle Shop to pick up my mended reins for Amiga and then at the IGA to get some milk.

     Ashton had gotten her senior pictures taken with Roni, out at Marj's, and had a few extras taken of Marj and I with our horses.  Ashton is a very nice young lady and was so gracious.

Proverbs 22:6 NIV
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.

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