Villhauer's Farm 11/2013

 Villhauer's Farm 11/2013

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Summer's Out For School!

     I officially started school on Thursday, and the student's first day is tomorrow.  However, I was at school all day Monday and Tuesday.... still
                                                      moving things from two other rooms,
setting up this years room, and cleaning up messes from last year.  Here I am with Cathy in our room as it nears first day readiness.  The Biology teachers met for a bit to organize our room changing process and our plan of attack for the new curriculum. 

     Wednesday I spent a great part of the day here at home working on lesson plans, worksheets, and my web site. And yes, I did finally crack open the new book.  Fortunately it is fairly similar to the previous book.  Although we now have tons of On-line and technical support that comes with this text book.  It all is great stuff, but takes time to sift through.

     The heat wave finally subsided at the start of the week (although the heat was on to get school work done).  It was great to be able to open windows and hear the birds (and rooster) once again.  We had a few light showers a few different days, and had to monitor windows on occasion, but
I still prefer this any day.  Becks had their
big seed show Wednesday so there was a lot of hustling around and "traffic" over in their fields getting ready.  This is manager Jason.  We walked over and partook of their complementary lunch Jason invited us to.

Daniel and Joe headed back home
and to work while I went on one of the tours, riding the tram around and learning about nitrates + fungicide studies they are doing at this site.

     Love the Scientific Method in progress with their work. 

     To the left is a view of our place from the tram.

     Below, a different tram is going past our chicken coop and then over the tracks to the back fields.

     Thursday and Friday were institute days, and ended up being longer work days for me than what next week will be.  I teach 4th - 6th hours again (from 10:00 - 12:40) but am contracted to be there from 9am-1pm basically.  I will be putting in more time obviously, with planning, preparing, and grading.  I was at school a total of 32 hours this week, counting today, and spent about the same amount of time at home working.  

      When I wasn't busy with or at school, I continued my routine chores of plant and animal care, which still included watering a lot of stuff.  The new grass is coming along well, although I may have to re-seed some bare spots.  I re-potted some house plants and took a few of them to school.  The rest will be hauled there later, along with the pond fish and turtle, when it starts to get cold.  I also did accomplish a few more jobs around the farm.... 

     I built a "window well" on the west side of the storm cellar, and put bricks around on the north side under the deck where the chickens and dog kept digging.  Hopefully this will stop them and keep the water running away from the house and shed foundations.

 Daniel chipped old cement off the bricks for me so that I could then stack them.  We then added more fill dirt all around the shelter, which the  
                                                      cats and dog enjoy.  The wonderful
rains we got through the night Friday helped settle the dirt.  I think we need to fill in with a bit more dirt and it will then be ready for grass seed. 

     I have been training Amiga daily working on the vertical flexion of her head.  Some days I ride longer than other days, depending on time and weather.  I did squeeze in another lesson with Courtney on Thursday.  It went well for the both of us.  We are stepping it up a notch and have added a few dressage exercises. Saturday afternoon when Courtney and I were getting ready to ride, Amiga went crazy in the round pen.  I have never seen this side of her.  She was galloping around jumping, kicking out and bucking.  I don't know what set her off, but I just stood in the middle waiting for her to settle down.  If I tried to approach her it just made things worse.  She carried on for almost 10 minutes.  After that though, she was good for the rest of the training and riding session, although a bit tired.  Zorro was a bit of a pill for Courtney on Saturday as well.  This afternoon when we rode, both horses did great.  We all really enjoyed ourselves I think.  Here are cute pictures of brother playing with Kaysha's tail. Notice they're in the dirt?

     The biggest news is that Britney got home from Guatemala last night.  I have really been looking forward to having her home.  She is such a joy and
brings so much love, laughter, and
happiness into our home.  She has a huge love for God and serving people but is equally concerned about this precious planet we live on.  So I appreciate the example she emits on both those fronts.  I am actually hoping to get some work out of her here around the farm and house, until she finds a job, since I am going to be so busy with school work.  Today, once we were home from Church, she
                                                     started in on her laundry.  She 
wanted to hang it out to dry, to save on energy, but because we don't have a clothes line, she used the electro- brade fence.  Got ta love her.  Actually with the dryer not working great, I may try this same method.  Everyone hangs out their laundry to dry in Guatemala.  Most of them also usually wash it by hand.  We are so blessed to have a washer and drier.

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