Villhauer's Farm 11/2013

 Villhauer's Farm 11/2013

Friday, November 11, 2011

Time Will Tell

Will my arm ever be back to its normal usage?
Will Amiga and Zorro ever be free of lameness?
Will our economy/politicians ever straighten out?
Will Illinois civil servants keep their pensions?
Will we have a bad winter of cold and snow?
Only time, and Gods plan, will tell.

     God's plan also includes His timing, and it behooves us to seek His plan and wait on His time.  The lyrics to the beginning of the Garrett Hedlund song - "Timing Is Everything" come to mind:
When the stars line up
And you catch a break
People think you're lucky
                                  But you know it’s grace
                                  It can happen so fast
                                  Or a little bit late
                                  Timing is everything

     We live in a fast paced society and in times of instant gratification so we are always wanting things on our time frame.  If it is for us or about us... we want it now.  If it is God calling us to do something though, we often drag our feet.  We need to let go and let God.  Every part of me wants to "stop the clock" so I can catch up or get ahead... except for the healing time clock... I'd like to keep it moving or even speed it up.  Better yet, I'd like to turn back time... and not just one hour like we did Saturday night.  If
we could go back in time and not make the same mistakes we made or avoid a catastrophic event... how much better life would be for us.  But, there is a lot to be learned from our errors, and there is a lot to be said for these experiences that have made us stronger, more compassionate and "better" people.  Time will tell how a decision or the results of our actions will pan out.  I pray for the best outcomes, but know God knows what is best, and I need to trust in Him.

     Saturday was a good day for working in the gardens and yard.  I got over a week of lesson plans finished by 11 am, so spent more than two hours messing around outside.  We cleaned up dead flower growth, sticks, leaves, pears and dog poo.  Joe clean out the coop and I cleaned all the
                                                     water buckets. I had brought home a
larger tub from school to see if it wouldn't be nicer than the little green one.  The moment I filled it, the ducks came over, and I knew from watching them, it would work better.  It holds two instead of one duck.  Now I need to go buy one like it. Brother was on the air conditioner where I was standing to film this, and distracted me at the end of it.  Sorry I can't edit it.

     I came in by 2pm to shower and do some cleaning because we had company coming. Greg and Brenda, the parents of Britney's college roommate Alissa, were our guests. 
Greg had worked the State Cross Country meet in Peoria, so they weren't too far away to come see our farm.  We gave them a tour outside as the wind was gathering speed.  We chatted and looked at pictures of Guatemala over coffee and then had pizza and salad for dinner.  It was so nice to see and talk with them and catch up on each others daughter's.

     Sunday I woke at my normal time which was now an hour early because of the time change.  I did chores as usual and thought about the animals needing to learn the new time frame... breakfast at sunrise now, not an hour earlier.  It was another very windy day. 

     After Church I caught Zorro and Roni resting together.  At first I thought something might be wrong with Zorro, but he popped his head up as I approached.  Shortly after I took the picture he was back up on his feet. 
     I was stuck in the house grading papers much of the day which was okay because it was so windy out.  I did take Kaysha for an enjoyable walk around Becks, seeing deer hoof prints in the mud there and in our water way by the tracks.  I also picked up some cobs of corn left by the combine.  Then Joe and I worked on winterizing the tack room with the expandable spray foam.  There were several places last winter where the
                                                     wind and sometimes snow were
blowing in.  The 25 mph winds straight out of the south were perfect for showing us where the holes were. 

     These photos were taken after the foam had dried and Missy was helping me inspect my work.
     Since we had to move the shelving unit from in front of the window, I decided to also give the room a good cleaning.  My chicken friends were no help and always try to get in here to steal cat food.

     These seven pigeons seem to have set up permanent residents in the corn crib.  In the late afternoon as the chickens head for the coop, these birds fly to the roof and then, one by one, go in the window of the cupola.  I hear them cooing sometimes from their roost in there.  Once my arm is better, I'll have to climb up inside and see what is going on in the rafters.

     It was drizzling before sunrise Monday and kept it up all day.  Rainy days are a good excuse to stay in the house, which is kind of nice sometimes.  I love our home and being able to relax inside it.  We have continued giving the three horses increasingly longer periods of time grazing on the east side pasture which has all the
                                                     alfalfa.  In this photo of Joe doing my
dirty work, you can see the three horses through the misty rain out in the field, although Roni has come over to see if the barn is open yet for dinner time.  The front pasture has been eaten very short and we are in the process of moving the horses off of it for the winter.  The cows continue to be let out into the back pasture each day, and it too is getting shorter.  We may try rotating them out into this side pasture occasionally. 

     Tuesday was no different than Monday... rainy, gloomy, dreary weather.  It was less windy and warmer, but the fields and paddock were getting muddier.  Joe had bought feed and a third electric water bucket for Roni's stall.  I mixed the chicken feed (cracked corn, whole oats, and chicken layer crumbs) in the trash can we use, getting it out of each bag with a large scoop, rather than pouring it out. 
I still can't lift any weight to speak of.  Spotted this misty web hanging from the electro-braid and thought it was neat.  With the decision to keep the horses off the front pasture until spring, we moved the fencing and set up a big grazing pen where there was more grass and less alfalfa out on the side pasture.

     At 6 am Wednesday, as I motored down US 150 into the driving winds, I was pelted by rain.  It was to be another day just like Mon. and Tue.  Except the temperature was 56 when I headed to school at the early pre-dawn hour, but only 39 degrees when I was driving home.  Because of the rain, we didn't let the horses out until afternoon, so they only got just over 2 hours on the side pasture.  I tried to
                                                     pick hooves when we brought them in
(this is more of the first picture from the top of this post).  I just don't have the strength yet, to get out the packed dirt.  I tried to get Joe to do it... but that was asking a bit much.  It was another day of grading, Blog work, and reading my Bible... oh and some e-mailing, messing on Facebook, and instant messaging Britney as well.  

     The clouds did finally break up for a few minutes of sunshine before it dropped over the horizon.

     Thursday was a bright sun-shiny day, although it was rather cold out.  This is my preference over wet, warm, windy and gloomy. I saw this video (click on duck picture) on Facebook this morning and thought... 
                                 "when the winds of adversity blow you off your feet...
get up and keep on going."
    After school I went to check out former Bio Teacher Ann's newly constructed and remodeled house and then we went out for a late lunch.  We had a great visit and could have kept talking right through the dinner hour.  I helped Joe finish up chores as soon
as I got home, while the sun was setting west of the corn crib.  The one beer I had had with lunch was enough to mellow me out and not want to face any more school work.  So I watched Survivor with Joe, computerized (messing on computer doing nothing important), and then went to bed.

Happy Veterans Day Friday!
     I woke to a frosty 27 degree farm yard.  There was ice on all outdoor water sources,  but the buckets and bowls in the barn and coop were okay.  Originally we were going to head to Carol's today right after school/work, but we changed our plans, which was a good thing because I had too much to do to get ready to be gone.  The barn cats were being playful and running around while I was doing chores.  First I had fed them.

     Then it was cleaning water dishes, buckets and tub.  Next I had to re-fill feed bins for the cows and horses.  (This required recruiting Joe's help.)  Finally back in the house I did some laundry (throwing some clean clothes into a travel bag) wrote Courtney's pet care note, and packed up other odds and ends including the dog's stuff. 

     This is the rooster we will be taking to Carol's. It is our third try to do so.  I caught the video above of him while the hens were taking dust baths in the barn.  He is the one we have had troubles catching.  At least we don't have to catch him during the light of day, it can wait until tomorrow morning before sun rise.  

     Earlier this week I got an e-mail from Daniel.  He has been promoted to Specialist!  He has been working hard and hoping for this, so I am glad he got it.  Congratulations Dan!

In right photo... Daniel gets pinned.
Below... Congratulations from XO.

Congratulations for promotees.                 The XO and promotees!

     Dan also reported that it is getting colder and raining more often.  He will be going to 12 hour work shifts and is getting moved into a 7 X 15 foot "tin can" he will share with another soldier.  He says it is awesome getting care packages every other week or so.  I thank you all for supporting him.  :)

     Today is a day to honor all who served.  It is a day of remembrance. 

          Tomorrow morning we are going to load up the dog and big rooster and head to Carol's.  Have a great weekend everybody!  If you are uncertain about something, just give it more time and prayer.  And don't forget to thank and honor our veterans.

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