Villhauer's Farm 11/2013

 Villhauer's Farm 11/2013

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Packin' It Up

      We have good news.  As of Tuesday afternoon, we have "sold" the
house!  Whooo Hoooo!  The buyers who made a very low offer last week, came up enough more, and we came down even more, and the real estate office is knocking off 1/2% of the commission, so we have an agreed upon price. The official papers from the lawyer are all typed and signed by everyone.  But it is not a done deal until closing, which is set for April 30th.  The buyers are pre-approved for financing so that won’t slow the deal down.  Hopefully this place clears inspection and we are good to go.  It is hard to believe we will be completely out of here in 4 weeks.                                                           
     With the earlier plan of moving, we had spent a great deal of time sorting through all of our stuff.  We had to get rid of a lot because our new house is smaller and has much less storage space....unless you count all of the out buildings.  Abbey decided to sort herself into one of the garage sale boxes.  We may need to give her some counseling for her low self esteem if she thinks she is only worth 10 cents. I think she is priceless.
       Since I no longer need to worry about keeping this place presentable, I have started packing in earnest.  Nick nacks and pictures no longer need to be out to keep the place looking nice.  And it doesn’t matter where I stack boxes.  We are still cleaning as we pack and continue sorting through more stuff. 

       We went out to the farm again Wednesday....can't stay away from the have two "horse" friends come look and give suggestions.  They had different opinions and gave us several ideas,  but it has been suggested by all we have talked to that we need to put in better fencing along Route 150 or around the perimeter of our farm.  The electric fence might not be full-proof ....don’t want horses and cow on the highway.  The one friend of Joe’s who came out is on the board of the “Old House Society” and said that our original farm house was built in the mid 1800’s .....which makes it 150 years old, not 75.  He is their expert on architect, so I think we can trust his opinion....but now it has our curiosity up.....we would like to try to get the old deeds or what ever we need to get the history on the place. 

       While out at the farm , I planted the asparagus that I had finally got going after 4 years of work.  I had dug them up from the this place to be transplanted.  I didn't want to leave them behind.  Hope I didn't shock it for this spring. I also took some of my chives out there and stuck them in by the garage shed....not having any idea where would be a good place.  I plan to transplant some of the iris Cathy gave me because they need thinning out, and I would like to have some of them out at the farm as well. There are actually a lot of flowers coming up all over out there, but until they bloom, I am not sure what we have.  You can see some coming up in the bottom left hand corner of the above photo. 
     I must admit, I am going to miss our large back deck with the pond, the shade trees, and all the landscaping (like this rock garden) that I have done.  Our house is in a great location, with a nice
neighborhood, and bike trail access.


     Although there is much I am going to miss about this place, the adventure of the farm is going to be new and exciting.  Every time we go out to our farm I realize how lucky and blessed we are.

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