Joe brought in the new shavings as I hauled out thirteen wheel barrow loads of the old ones.
The horses came to see this new barn yard addition and then continued grazing.
I kept a watchful eye on the herbivores during my numerous trips out to the manure pile.
Stew came in for water, with Kabob following at a safe distance. Stew stood and scratched at this fly replant scratcher for several minutes.
Joe rented a tiller and cultivated the garden soil while I dug up some of the major weeds.
I soon lost interest in the garden work and, wanting to ride before the rains came, I rounded up Amiga.
I did ground work first and then rode Amiga, staying in the round pen and focusing on training rather than just "trail riding".
We had an enjoyable ride together. At first Cassie's horse was reluctant to go through water. But it wasn't long, and she was enjoying it.
It started to sprinkle on us in the woods towards the end of our ride and was coming down heavier when we reached the camp ground. It was sprinkling on the drive back to Marj's and while unloading there.
Dan and Valencia came and were trying out a new card game while waiting for Courtney and Mike to come. They had brought Wheeler, who has grown, and has an especially large, fluffy tail.
He got along great with Abbey and Kaysha and had fun exploring as usual. All of my photos were out of focus. These are the two best. :-(
After dinner, the "kids" played this new card game while I watched and Joe read.
After Water Lilies and walking I let Kabob go out to the back pasture along with the horses. The ground was too wet for weeding so I moved lawn furniture and planters out of the shed. I planted all these flowers and did a minimal amount of weeding and edging along this bed.
Growth Group was cancelled, so after a rest at my computer, I went back out and worked with Roni. Courtney showed up to work with Zorro while I was riding. If you enlarge this photo, you can see her on the way out to get Zorro.
I know this photo is blurry, but I think it is so cute how Amiga was following Zorro and Courtney back to the barn.
I finished early with Roni so I could talk with Courtney and watch her work with Zorro. He is getting reacquainted with the bit, but has been "fighting" it.
Marj took a quick phone call while waiting for me to lunge Roni.

Camera wars on horse back.

I spent all afternoon working in the
May Day Wednesday was another
Dan and Valencia arrived while I was fixing the salad and veggies. Dan mowed and Valencia and I chatted while I puttered in the kitchen.
Britney's former room mate (Alissa) was flying into B/N and her mom, Brenda came to dinner before picking Alissa up. Joe ran to LeRoy to pick up pizza and Brenda and I caught up on life as we know it.
The gooey clay had even gone inside Courtney's boots. I lent her clean socks and pants when we came in to wash up. Then she worked with Zorro and I with Amiga. It was 9:00 by the time I came in from the barn.
Thursday I had a relaxing morning and then went out to ride before the rain was predicted to come. I started with Amiga. It takes a lot of time and arm muscle to get a dirty horse brushed and hooves picked. I rode her for almost an hour. You can tell this is her, and not Roni, because her mane is on the right side of her neck and most of his is on the left side.
All of our fruit trees are full of blossoms. The above photo is of the crab apple out front. If you click on the photo below, you can see the colors better.
Amiga did a fairly nice job. She is so much calmer than Roni, but does not listen to the bit very well. She turns without my asking and doesn't always stop right away. I try not to pull on her face to correct her.
Next was Roni. By the time I had him cleaned up and was ready to saddle, I decided to go to Moraine View because it was getting too warm to be working very hard in the direct sun. It would be cooler in the shade of the woods.
I rode for over an hour. We were in the woods and meadows. We rode along the creek and through the creek.
We saw May Apples...
We got to one creek crossing where timber and debris had washed up on shore and was in the way.
It took some convincing, but I did get Roni to carefully step over the timber to get to the creek. Then I let him stop and drink while I praised him.
Back at the camp ground I let Roni rest and graze while I had a granola bar and read my Bible and prayed. The solitude and solace of the park were so comforting as I was reflecting on the life of Richard. (It was the one year anniversary of his death.)
And this sign even Roni seemed to understand. Ha ha ha.
The farmers were busy trying to get some field work done. It started thundering far off as I was headed back to camp, and the rain came while I was driving home. I unloaded in the rain and put Roni in the barn. I had to clean stalls real quick and then brought the other two horses in because it was thundering and lightning. I was glad it was raining because I needed a break from working and playing so hard outside. But we didn't need any more moisture.
The pool Friday was much colder than usual at Water Lilies. I walked inside since it was raining. I was walkin' and singin' while listening to my I-tunes. Later in the day I went shopping, getting some new swim suits along with some groceries. Carol arrived in time for cocktails and we enjoyed chatting, dinning, and going for a walk outside. Some clouds, bringing rain, did move through at dusk.

Have a great weekend and enjoy life even if it does rain on your parade.
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