Last Saturday was a busy day. Oh, it was also Armed Forces Day! Click here to see a cool video of the 2nd Force Reconnaissance Co. Yuma HAHO... Jumping. Thanks all you soldiers (past, present and future) for your service to our country.
Oh... I also forgot to mention that I got crushed last week. Our school colors are black and orange... so for the spirit award each week, winners get an orange crush.

After a leisurely morning on the front porch I took Roni for a long ride. I brushed him up all nice looking first. The flies have been really bad, so he got a heavy dose of fly spray as well.
Marj was busy up at the house, so I only worked Roni in the indoor arena for ten minutes. He did well so I gave him a break, letting him graze for awhile. Bridle back on and off we went down Brian's road toward home.
When I got to the creek, we turned and followed it west to this farm road I ride on regularly. I like to take Roni across this old wooden bridge for practice.
This road comes out at Becks, so I rode around there for awhile. They always have different gadgets and various pieces of equipment sitting out. This machine was something I have never seen before. It was huge. I don't really have any idea what it is for.
At first, Roni was sure it was a monster goin' to eat him. But I got him to walk up to it so I could have a closer look.
Back home, the hay guys were raking / turning our hay when Roni and I came up the drive.
Tiny re-surfaced from under the corn crib. I watched her go back under it (photo of her tail end just about to disappear through a hole) and now know exactly where she is hiding out. Courtney and Dan gave Joe a ride back here. Courtney helped me with my G-mail issues, messed with the horses, and left back for town.
The hay bailer came at 3pm, our hired helper Will was dropped off by his Dad, and we started "making hay." Here Will is helping Joe get the hay elevator off the wagon and set up.
The wagon of grass hay from out front gets dropped off from the baler.
It needed to be pushed back and then pulled forward into position for unloading onto the elevator.
It was a hot day for bringing in hay, but that is what helped dry out the hay so quickly. Dan and Will were great help. We were able to easily keep up with Luke, Levi, and their helper...
We did get most of our hay in. The tractor pulling the baler broke down, so we had to quit before getting done... but that was at 8pm... quitting time anyway, if you ask me.
The top photo is what it looked like from above, and to the right what the barn floor looked like, after I moved 2 bales to get out of the barn to go get my camera.
Let that be a lesson on the importance of careful hay stacking. We had three different categories of stacks: straight grass, straight alfalfa, and a mix. But we had started running out of room.
Joe left for work at 4am Sunday and I was feeling the toll from yesterday when I got up just after 5am... sore and tired even after a good night's sleep. I couldn't even imagine what Joe must have felt like. I enjoyed another relaxing morning on the porch, watching the horses graze out front and the cows out back. There was also a mamma squirrel showing her
two young babies around the yard.
9:30 I got a call. Ann's brother Troy was coming for hay at 10 am. I decided Church was not going to happen, dressed into my farm clothes and went out to straighten the bales of hay that had fallen down. Troy and his friend got 50 bales loaded, but the other bale pile out on a wagon in the field we were going to pull from had too much alfalfa and was too wet. The elevator was in the way of the loft window, so Troy said he would be back for
more later. The Kabota battery died
We had a third hay man (Brian) comment about how great our alfalfa is. I was complaining about it being so thick. He said people who try to grow straight alfalfa can't get it to grow this pure. It is an alfalfa grower's dream he said. But I don't want straight alfalfa. We need to find some buyers for it. Most horse people want a mix.
This is Luke and Brian. They were back to baling just after lunch time. They helped us store the dry bales up in the hay mow. We had run out of room as usual, and at the end were kind of cramming bales here and there.
By 3pm we were done. This is Levi, Luke's brother. I was fascinated by this old tractor, especially the seat. It did not look very comfortable... and I wondered, how many butts sat in it.
Once packed up, they headed down the drive.
Notice how nice our peonies look.
Joe and I planted the willow tree out in the pasture, knowing if we went in to sit down, it would never get done today.
After that, we were exhausted. We tried the hammock for a rest. Joe decided the bed would be more peaceful. I didn't fall asleep in the hammock, but rested listening to sounds
peeping, chickens clucking, turkey gobbling, leaves rustling, and then Brother sitting beneath me meowing for attention. Up and at'em... I needed to give everyone fresh water. The chicks needed more feed. Betty is always begging for food. I don't think she can forage very well with her messed up beak. Then I planted this little Dogwood tree.
Today was a spectacular solar eclipse that could be seen in the skies of the western United States. This image (Credit & Copyright) by Jimmy Westlake, was taken of the sun at the moment of maximum coverage by the moon.

Monday morning I was euphoric. This was my last teaching Monday ever. I had one exam from 11:30 to 1:10. Then there was the traditional "Faculty Roast" that they do at the end of each year for all the retiring teachers. Ashlee Johnson put together a very nice video for me, on behalf of the science department. I enjoyed the jabs and joking around and was touched by the sentimental words. I have posted it here, but it may be whipped out soon because of copy right issues with the music. It got deleted from Facebook and U-Tube already.
I have been putting the chicks (in their cage) out of the coop during the day and in at night. I turn on the heat lamp still if it is going to be too cold for them over night.
I brought more junk home from school along with my exams that I needed to finish grading. Dan still has a pile of his stuff (above) to take care of, and now I have my piles. We had growth Group at Shelly and Kelly's this week.
Tuesday I had a 9:00 exam, so was done by lunch time. This ended my last day in the classroom with students. The whole science department went to lunch, and I was treated to a great meal. They had also gotten me a gift card for golf and another for a restaurant.
back to school to get my exams graded, recorded, and continue with clean out and checkout procedures. I was at school until almost 5pm.
When I got home, Joe was in his camo. coveralls spraying all our fruit trees. Troy arrived to get the rest of the hay he had wanted. It felt like a lazy day...
But I had lot's to do. It would be nice to join the ducks for a rest in the grass. Hercules was working at chasing Troy off. Guess what?
Turkey Butt!
Meanwhile, little miss chicken is helping herself to some flower petals. Bad Chicken!
It was a beautiful Wednesday morning. My only school responsibility was to check out, so I did not rush off to school.
Amiga and Zorro enjoying some fresh cut alfalfa. We had several broken bales to feed as part of the clean up process.
Last day check-out was a little more complicated than usual. I needed to delete all my computer files, voice mail box, e-mails, etc. I had a few last minute things to pack up before turning in my keys. And I had to say goodbuy to many colleagues again. But I made it to the Social Committee's Happy Hour by noon.
We enjoyed beverages and lunch out on the patio

GLEE - Full Performance of "School's Out"

I unpacked more things once home, including this flower that was a gift from the social committee.
We had opened the south end of the corn crib and put up this cattle panel so the cows could get in out of the sun.
Well, they helped themselves to the drying alfalfa.
Today I awoke with the realization that this was my first day of retirement. I wondered, "Hummm... what shall I do today? Read, ride, garden, landscape, clean house, do laundry, nap, walk, whatever." Then I realized, I could do it tomorrow, or tomorrow, or tomorrow. I have all summer, or fall, or winter, or spring. I think I am going to like retirement.
I am free as a bird, like these two soaring
A quick shower and I was off to meet Ann for lunch. We were celebrating my retirement and her moving (which happens in two weeks). This is a cute bag she got me. Click on it to read the fine print. I like this motto and plan to do more to embrace it.
I did some grocery and farm shopping on the way home. I unloaded and filled feed bins until Angie arrived to get farm chore instructions. Next I did a lot of watering of plants and animals because it was 91 degrees with 30mph winds. Everything was parched.
It is a relief to be done with the year and an even bigger solace to be ending my teaching career. Up until going to part-time, my life was engulfed in teaching. During the school year, just about every waking moment, I had
teaching on my mind. It even
Turned out to pasture!
Holly - your video still worked and what a nice tribute - and yeah, they got that right!! Relax, have fun, see you this weekend!! Love, Cathy
ReplyDeleteYou know your grandfather had the most perfect alfalfa fields ever and I don't remember having any trouble. Of course we always had timothy and other hay too. Guess we just mixed them or maybe you could cut back on the grain. Love, Mother